TAWA at 45

The Exhibition

Dean Innocenzi

Woman in Water

spray paint on canvas, 2023; 30″h x 24″w

Dean “RAS” Innocenzi is a Trenton-based muralist and fine artist. Born in Trenton, Innocenzi has made a name for himself doing realistic portraits around the city. After showing special artistic ability throughout his childhood, Innocenzi went on to study under Mel Leipzig at Mercer County College. In 2007 Dean met local graffiti artists ENOS and ELBO and was introduced to a street art movement that was just beginning to grow in Trenton. Innocenzi began doing graffiti under the name RAS. Learning from other local artists such as Will Kasso, MEK, and PRO, Dean began to master the spray paint can. Within a year RAS moved on from painting graffiti pieces to ultra-realistic portraits. Innocenzi currently works full time doing murals and fine art. Many of his murals can be found around the city, many of which are memorials honoring lost loved ones in the community.

“I have been charged by the universe to create art. Though I worked very hard to master my craft, I believe I was blessed with some natural ability that gave me the option to pursue being an artist. As life inspires me to create, I use my gift to give back to the world by inspiring others with my art. I try to capture the essence and spirit of my subjects in work. Fully surrendering to my process until the moment of completion when the piece begins its own life, separate from its creator. It is then I can soak in seeing the power impact of my work on people and communities. I then am reinspired by life, to continue creating to give back to the world, the best way I know how.”