TAWA at 45

The Exhibition

Jadwiga Jędrzejczyk


oil on canvas, 1991; 20″h x 24″w

Jadwiga Jedrzejczyk was born in Gdynia, Poland, a city on the Baltic Sea. She received an MA in American literature. She was an English instructor at the Maritime Academy in Gdynia and completed post-graduate Scandinavian studies. In 1974, she came to the United States and worked at the United Nations Treaty Section in NYC. Jedrzejczyk’s father was an accomplished painter and she inherited from him the love of the oil medium. Over the span of 20 years, she has also taken classes painting with Louis Russomano, Ryszard Druch, Alexandra Nowak, and others. She has exhibited at the Ellarslie Open, MCCC, TAWA, and the Adam Styka Annual Competition.

“Always interested in languages, at 10 I was teaching myself Esperanto, hoping a common language would unite humankind. On discovering my love of painting, I understood its vast advantage over verbal communication. While an artist’s expression is the result of their observation skills and technical mastery of the medium, what truly compels the painter is their desire to convey their wonderment of the beauty existing in nature. I titled one of my solo exhibits ‘Gleaning De-light,’ which best summarizes my artistic mission.”