TAWA at 45

The Exhibition

Marge Chavooshian

Nord Station – Paris

marker on paper, n.d.; 14″h x 12″h. Collection of Elizabeth and Dan Aubrey

Marge Chavooshian (d. 2018) was a well accomplished and self-employed artist in the Trenton area for many years. Chavooshian studied at the Art Students League with Reginald Marsh, who helped develop her love for drawing. Later, she studied with Mario Cooper, a well-known watercolorist. Chavooshian was a plein air painter and was recognized for her street scenes, facades, cityscapes, architecture, and landscapes, as well as her drawings of people and places. Her subjects went beyond realistic imagery to show how form and light create the complex visual structures of our world. Since the 1960s, her work was shown in numerous national and state exhibitions and won 163 awards, including the Medal of Honor and Digby Chandler, both from the Painters Sculptors of New Jersey.

Among many other awards, in 2007 she received the Silver Medal of Honor from the New Jersey Watercolor Society, where she was an exhibitor and active member of the society for many years. In 1980, she won a fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts to paint in five of the oldest cities in New Jersey. She exhibited this work at the New Jersey State Museum.